April 5, 2011

Iklan menulis

Heya peeps.  I'm writing again.  And again the story revolves about two teenangers.  Not really  teenagers la kot.  A grown up kiddo.  One is like a tomboy.  One is like anak mak-manja-lembut.  Still I don't know how to end this story.  But I hope you do enjoy reading my cerpen.  Before this I'd already wrote one entitled Sebab aku kan Hana.  Alhamdulillah, though there are not many readers who read that but I appreciate for those who read and support me.  This new cerpen I just started to write in these few days.  Now, it is already entered three chapter.  I am not planning on how much chapter to end it.  Let the time and my fingers decide it.  You can click at the sidebar to read it.  So here it is, My Lady is a Boy.

May peace be upon you. :)

5 horlicks ais:

Nazrul Ashraff said...[Reply to comment]

cmne nk wt kat sidebar tu ea? hee...

shahjiehan said...[Reply to comment]

i will support u!! hahhaa...don worry

jom baca dan komen ! !shahjiehan [dot] com ! !: Jom katakan tidak pada "Legging"

zaty luvlianncez said...[Reply to comment]

troskan!!! yeah!!


Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

insyallh fatin akan supprt :D

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

dan2 1 g...fatin suka la english am :)
ajar fatin please hehe :D

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